Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Political "Platform"

There is so much political frustration out there today. It seems that no matter who we elect to public office, they always seem to do the opposite of what we would like them to. Many folks vote based on the party that the candidate is affiliated with. This hasn't worked very well because within a party there are candidates that lean to the left or to the right. We often find that the Republican that we elect is more liberal than some of the Democrats out there and visa versa.

It is time that we clearly spell out what it is we believe in and then vote for the candidate that espouses these ideals, regardless of the party they work for. Too often the party takes priority over the needs and desires of the people of this great nation. Because of this, I am putting together this list of ideals I have. This is a working list, and as I think of things, I will add them to the list.

Federal Government

Breadth of Power

The federal government should be limited to power over ONLY those areas explicitly outlined in it's constitution. If it isn't in there, the federal government shouldn't be doing it.

Fiscal Responsibility
  1. The federal government should not be able to pass a budget that is not completely balanced.
A collection of short articles that represent my perspective on the world.